Energy Alternatives
We have been researching and developing new technologies and opportunities in the alternative energy industries since 2010. The growing concern and need to lower the CO2 emissions in both the steel and aviation industries have presented the present opportunity; produce biochar for the European steel industry while also supplying Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) to the US airlines.
The strategy is aimed at securing long-term off-take agreements with qualified buyers.
An agreement with an offtaker has been reached to produce 160k metric tons of biochar/year, while a 20MM gallons of aviation jet-fuel will be delivered to the Dallas/Ft.Worth AP for use by hub operators.
The technology used in both the biochar and the SAF productions are based on systems delivered by TSI Inc. They have 25 years of experience in the wood pellet and related industries and have developed the patented technology to produce the SAF.
Shell Oil has also agreed to collaborate in the production of the necessary catalysts to produce the SAF, and will be testing all production to meet the required standards of the operators.
The major benefit of the project is that the SAF and the biochar are mutually beneficial such that the SAF is a bi-product of the biochar production and if not used as planned, would be become a waste product. As such, the production has tw income streams generating strong ROIs due to the high demand for both products, with a time horizon of beyond 10 years. The growth potential of the opportunity is only limited by ourt ability to produce.
further information coming soon